Exploring the Science Fueling Mind Coach: A Dive into the Neuroscience of Transformation


As spring ushered in a new chapter of my life in a fresh abode with a recovering garden, I was greeted by a delightful explosion of flowers near my front porch. A scene of pure joy, or so I thought. To my bewilderment, the very next day, the blooms had vanished as if a phantom with scissors had taken them overnight, leaving me flabbergasted. At that point, I had only exchanged pleasantries with a few neighbors. Who could harbor such animosity toward me? It was a curious act of disdain! What message lay hidden in this enigmatic incident? What destiny awaited me on this street?

Days passed, and more blossoms made their appearance. I kept a vigilant eye on the shrub. And then, the mystery unraveled—a plump caterpillar, not just one or two, but an entire battalion, voraciously feasting on this floral banquet. My initial relief gave way to exasperation at these ravenous intruders. I contemplated methods of extermination but soon realized that these voracious thieves were destined to transform into exquisite butterflies.

This experience draws a striking parallel to the coaching process with Turbo Thinkers© and individuals seeking ADHD therapy and executive functioning coaching. It commences with a cascade of catastrophizing thoughts: "OMG! What's happening to me? Why can't I be 'normal' like everyone else? Surely, everyone despises me." Our minds, turbocharged with imagination and laden with negativity bias, propel us into bouts of self-doubt, overwhelming emotions, and perhaps even anxiety or depression.

Let's pause and ground ourselves in reality. Behold! We have an empirical explanation for this turmoil—the realm of neuroscience. Identifying the source of our challenges and giving it a name offers solace. We can articulate and shape it. You are not an isolated anomaly struggling alone; at least 10% of the population grapples with similar issues. Normalizing this experience becomes attainable, for there is a dedicated community that studies these phenomena. Myriad research streams are currently focused on these very challenges. As we speak, grants are being awarded, trials conducted across the globe, dissertations composed, and teams of scientists labor diligently! Enhanced comprehension of our own minds equips us to provide better support.

Remarkably, this aligns with one of the five essential elements for effective coaching outlined by PAAC, the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches.

Aligned with Safety, Collaboration, Wonder, and Action, the ADHD Lens stands as a pivotal aspect: With an in-depth grasp of ADHD traits, behaviors, patterns, challenges, and the latest neuroscience, the coach collaborates proactively with the client. Together, they uncover the unique mechanisms of the client's brain and determine how to best harness that understanding. The client attains clarity about their personalized path to success.

Incorporating the latest insights from neuroscience into my coaching sessions is a non-negotiable for guiding my clients along their transformative journeys. When they embark on deep dives into the expansive world of Google, I guide them in discerning between reliable research and anecdotal experiences or gimmicky promotions. We acknowledge the presence of common Turbo Thinker© traits, yet we appreciate the individualized experiences that make each client unique. We engage in collaborative wonderment, exploring how their unique brain operates optimally and the steps required to support it.

The ultimate goal isn't to suppress our Turbo Thinking© brains but to manage them effectively, ensuring they work in harmony with our aspirations. To achieve this, a profound understanding of our own minds is essential. Our aim is to nurture our brains, fostering an optimal ecosystem that allows us to love and care for them better.

As autumn ushers in its cool embrace, I find joy in the butterflies that grace my front yard. Instead of succumbing to frustration over vanishing blooms or resenting the bugs, I've learned the art of nurturing my garden and supporting the ecosystem that provides enduring joy, a burst of colors, vibrant life, and boundless happiness. This is the vision I hold not just for you but for all Turbo Thinkers©, throughout every season of the year.

To learn more, take a look at ADDitude Magazine’s article ‘ADHD Motivation Problems Getting Started on Tough Projects.

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